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University’s SONA sign-up

Undergraduate Opportunities

Interested in helping out? We often recruit undergraduate students to help with research.
Here’s what you need to know.

Juniors and Seniors can work for course credit

We ask for a 2 semester commitment at the 3 credit level (9 hrs/wk)

You can do your honors thesis as part of the psychology honors program

RAs do many things from data analytics to conducting participant research. There are always places we need help!

Interested? Apply for a RA position by sending an email describing your qualifications, experience, and interest, along with a current resume to

Graduate Studies

Interested in pursuing graduate level work with us? You can apply via the Psychology or the Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (NACS) PhD program.

Note that we are not recruiting PhD students for Fall 2025.

interdisciplinary PhD program