music and language

Music and early language acquisition

Language is typically viewed as fundamental to human intelligence. Music, while recognized as a human universal, is often treated as an ancillary ability – one dependent on or derivative of language. In contrast, we argue that it is more productive …

Language and music: sound, structure, and meaning

Language and music are the most impressive examples of humans’ capacity to process complex sound and structure. Though interest in the relationship between these two abilities has a long history, only recently has cognitive and neuroscientific …

Meaning in music and language: Three key differences. Comment on “Towards a neural basis of processing musical semantics” by Stefan Koelsch

Making psycholinguistics musical: Self-paced reading time evidence for shared processing of linguistic and musical syntax 

Linguistic processing, especially syntactic processing, is often considered a hallmark of human cognition; thus, the domain specificity or domain generality of syntactic processing has attracted considerable debate. The present experiments address …